Forgotten Domain

A marksman, adept at combat at great distances. Able to take down most foes before they have a chance to draw sword.

                      Ranger Leveling 

                  10. Arrow of Death


                       9. Pathfinder


                      8. Boom trap                                                                                     

                        7. Outpost


              6. Silence Powder, Armor +

Silence Powder

color: grey

A thrown packet (much like a spell) You must say out loud “Silence powder” and then throw at your desired target. If it strikes, the opponent can no longer speak for 10 seconds. (Note: this includes magic incantations.) You must recharge the powder at a base or tavern for 30 seconds of simulated crafting.

Outpost: scout gets an outpost to place anywhere on the field that allows them to heal, repair, and recharge. It can be destroyed and you only get one a day.

Boom Trap: The ranger may carry 1 deathtrap. It is indicated by a white cloth cover (or white Frisbee)...anyone stepping on the trap immediately loses the leg they stepped on it with.

Pathfinder: The scout can travel back to his/her base at any time by saying pathfinder putting, their weapon over their head, and must walk back to their base. cannot be broken once in pathfinder.

Arrow of death

color: Black

effect: If it strikes anywhere on the opponent (including the shield) they are instantly dead all armor penetrating, no unconscious period, DEAD. After you fire an arrow you must go back to the tavern to "get" another.

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