Forgotten Domain

Fearsome brutes who inspire fear and dread in the hearts of their enemies. Like a storm, swift and powerful. Finding little use for heavy armor, they rely on smashing their foes into the ground.

                    Barbarian Leveling 


                10. Relentless might                                                                       

                       9. Cleave                                                                                              

                       8. Shatter                                                                                            

                    7. Bones of Iron    

                                                                                          6. Crush, Armor +

Crush: loudly yell the word "crush" as you go to strike at an opponent, if you hit them in any limb (arm or leg) your strike essentially breaks there limb, rendering it useless. (full armor penetrating) does not work on torso shots. (requires bludgeon, ax, or 2h weapon)

Bones of Iron: gives an extra hit once on any limb, used once per life.

Shatter: Barbarians may, using any two handed weapon, ax, or bludgeon they wield, shatter a shield with two consecutive strikes (or with a pole arm 3) rendering it useless until repaired via spending 30 seconds at home base/tavern. (There is a 10 second time frame to hit the opponents shield twice or three times)

Relentless Might:  When a player becomes unconscious, within 10 seconds they may call out “relentless might” granting them 10 more seconds of life as if any limbs were not lost. If you take damage while frenzied, you skip unconsciousness and advance to death, but if you kill someone, you receive a heal to the location that caused the death.

Cleave: a solid hit to the side of the body with any slashing weapon and saying cleave, will "cleave" the enemies body in half thus instantly killing them. does not work on limbs. (does not pierce magic shield) Must be recharged at Tavern after use.

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